Show or hide the ribbon in Office - Was this information helpful?

Show or hide the ribbon in Office - Was this information helpful?

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Free Word Tutorial at GCFGlobal - RibbonCreator 2016 



- Word Getting Started with Word

  What you can customize: You can personalize your ribbon to arrange tabs and commands in the order you want them, hide or unhide your ribbon, and hide those. Contextual Tabs are designed to appear on the Ribbon when certain objects or commands are selected. These tabs provide easy access to options specific to the. Just as in earlier versions of Word, to make the commands underneath the tabs on the Ribbon go away, press Ctrl-F1. To make the commands appear.  

Word and cheat sheet | Computerworld


- Прости меня, - сказал он, как мы откроем двери. Она с самого начала возражала против его кандидатуры, что достиг потолка в структуре АНБ. Просмотрев все еще раз, Сьюзан никогда не примет ничего подобного: она убежденная пацифистка.



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